What is OpenVAS
OpenVAS is a comprehensive vulnerability scanner that boasts extensive functionalities such as unauthenticated and authenticated testing, and support for various high-level and low-level internet and industrial protocols. It also includes performance tuning options suitable for large-scale scans and features a potent internal programming language that aids in creating any kind of vulnerability test. The underlying tests for detecting vulnerabilities are obtained from a historical and constantly updated feed.
What are the characteristics of OpenVAS
OpenVAS is a robust and full-featured vulnerability scanner. It supports a wide range of tests and protocols, including high-level and low-level internet and industrial protocols. Performance tuning for large-scale scans is an important feature, allowing efficient testing in extensive environments. The scanner's internal programming language enables users to create and execute their own tests. Additionally, the scanner gets its vulnerability detection tests from a feed that it updates daily, ensuring a high level of accuracy and relevant data.
What are the application scenarios of OpenVAS
OpenVAS can be used in various application scenarios, such as security audits, network vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing. It is particularly useful for organizations needing to regularly scan their networks and systems for potential security vulnerabilities. The scanner's capability to perform both unauthenticated and authenticated testing makes it a versatile tool for discovering both publicly accessible and hidden vulnerabilities. Its support for a wide array of protocols and the ability to develop custom tests make it an essential tool for comprehensive security assessments across diverse environments.